Comments from workshop participants


Spring Workshop: One-Day Professional Development Opportunity

Join us each April or May for a day-long workshop on relevant topics for all early childhood educators.

Summer Workshop: Two-Day Workshop for Montessori Assistants

Attention teacher assistants, substitutes, and classroom volunteers! This popular workshop in August covers vital and relevant topics.
The workshops are held on the campus of Siena Heights University in Adrian, Michigan and are open to all educators. Check back for topics, event details and registration.

Sr. Leonor Esnard, O.P., Ph.D. (left) and Debra Gorman Cagle, M.Ed.

Workshop opportunities

Montessori Administrators: do you struggle to provide high-quality, relevant professional development for your staff? Adrian Montessori Teacher Education Institute can help! Our experienced staff can visit your school and provide a custom-made workshop that will bring parents into the school and give teachers a solid foundation for observation and Montessori philosophy.

Sr. Leonor Esnard, O.P., Ph.D., Board President and former director of Adrian Montessori Teacher Education Institute, can offer the following topics via Zoom virtual workshops.

List of Topics:

  • Fostering Moral Development in Young Children

  • Development of Self-Discipline

  • Development of Internal Motivation in Children

  • Montessori Education & Brain Research

  • Fantasy Play and Montessori Education

  • Developing Spirituality in Teachers

  • Peace Education: Theory and Practice

Please contact Sr. Leonor at to schedule your workshop.


Debra Gorman Cagle, Executive Director of Adrian Montessori Teacher Education Institute, is available to schedule a workshop at your school or at Adrian Montessori Teacher Education Institute. Topics include Montessori curriculum areas, teacher education, parent education and more.

Contact Debra at or call 734.926.8620 for more information and pricing.